About Us

We provide an interdisciplinary curriculum that examines historical and contemporary problems through a lens of gender and cultural differences and social justice.

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Volker Campus
Kansas City, MO 64110


Department Faculty and Staff

Kristen Barber

Department Chair; Associate Professor
Email: k.barber@umkc.edu
Phone Number: 816-235-1138

Deja Beamon

Assistant Professor
Email: djbftb@umsystem.edu

Jill Folsom

Office Support Assistant IV
Email: folsomj@umkc.edu
Phone Number: 816-235-5854

Linda Mitchell

Professor Emerita
Email: mitchellli@umkc.edu

Theresa Torres

Associate Professor
Email: torresth@umkc.edu
Phone Number: 816-235-1492

Affiliate Faculty

Jasmine Abdel-Khalik

Professor, Law

Hadara Bar-Nadav

Professor, English

Rebecca Best

Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science and Philosophy

Virginia Blanton

Curators' Distinguished Professor, English

Antonio Byrd

Assistant Professor, English

Xanath Caraza-de-Holland

Lecturer, World Languages and Cultures

Loyce Caruthers

Professor, Education

Crystal Doss

Teaching Professor, English

Matthew Edwards

Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures

Sandra Enríquez

Associate Professor, History

Tamara Falicov

Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Jenni Frangos

Associate Professor, English

Milton Toledo Gomez

Adjunct Instructor, English

Jane Greer

Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor, English

Viviana Grieco

Professor, History

Amanda Grimes

Associate Professor, Nursing and Health Studies

Joseph Hartman

Associate Professor, Media, Art and Design

Roland Hemmings Jr

Assistant Director, Multicultural Student Affairs

Lorena Hidalgo Johnson

Lecturer, World Languages and Cultures

Stuart Hinds

Curator of Special Collections, University Libraries

Caitlin Horsmon

Associate Professor, Media, Art and Design

Jennifer Huberman

Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Tracey Hughes

Director of Inclusive Engagement; Teaching and Learning Librarian

Kimberly Johnson

Senior Program Manager, Multicultural Student Affairs

Cynthia Jones

Adjunct Instructor, Humanities and Social Sciences

Kathleen Kilway

Associate Dean (DEI), Science and Engineering

Nancy Levit

Curators' Professor, Law

Zhongjin Li

Associate Professor, Economics

Toya Like

Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Ricardo Marte

Associate Teaching Professor, Psychology

Brandon Martin

Vice Chancellor and Director of Athletics

J. Antonio Molinar

Assistant Teaching Professor, Political Science and Philosophy

Diane Mutti Burke

Director of the Center for Midwestern Studies and Professor, History

Sirisha Naidu

Associate Professor, Economics

Gwen Nally

Associate Professor, Political Science and Philosophy

Zachary Parker

Assistant Director, LBGTQIA Programs

Jennifer Phegley

Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor, English

Lori Sexton

Associate Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Anthony Shiu

Associate Professor, English

Deborah Smith

Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Alberto Villamandos

Associate Professor, World Languages and Cultures

Joseph Workman

Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

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