Caitlin Horsmon is an Associate Professor for Film and Media Arts.

Horsmon is an award-winning artist, curator, and educator making films, videos, and installations. Her work has been exhibited around the world in diverse venues from the Kemper Museum Crossroads to the Centre Pompidou. Grounded in the moving image but integrating installation, sound, sculpture, collaborations, curatorial work, and community programming, her work investigates the obscure landscapes of the everyday. She has received numerous awards and grants for her work including a Rocket Grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, grants from Charlotte Street Foundation and Spencer Museum of Art, and a Haskell Distinguished Research Award. Horsmon is a former director of the artist-run space Plug Projects and a founder of Stray Cat Film Center. Caitlin was trained in Cinema and Comparative Literature and Media Production at the University of Iowa and graduated from Oberlin College. Before her move to academia, Caitlin worked as the community outreach coordinator for The Chicago International Film Festival and was the director of the Thaw media festival. She is a member of the Women’s and Gender Studies and Doctoral faculties, as well as affiliate faculty with UMKC's Center for Digital and Public Humanities. The Collectif Jeune Cinema in Paris distributes her work. 

Specialties: Experimental and Non-Fiction Media Production, The History of the Avant-Garde, Non-Fiction Modalities, Gender Theory and Media, Short-Form Filmmaking.