Xanath Caraza-de-Holland

Xanath  Caraza-de-Holland
Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact Info
Scofield Hall rm. 206


Xanath Caraza is a traveler, educator, poet and short story writer.  She has taught at UMKC as a full time lecturer of Spanish since 2010, specializing in Spanish grammar and literature classes.


M.A. in Romance Languages and Literatures - Spanish Emphasis, University of Missouri-Kansas City


Her books are Lágrima  roja, Sin preámbulos / Without Preamble, Le sillabe del vento, Donde la luz es violeta / Where the Light is Violet, Tinta negra / Black Ink, Ocelocíhuatl, Sílabas de viento / Syllables of Wind, Noche de colibríes, Corazón pintado, Conjuro, and her short story collection, Lo que trae la marea / What the Tide Brings.