Theresa Torres

Theresa Torres
Associate Professor, Sociology and REGS
Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact Info
Gender, race, class and immigration


Dr. Theresa Torres’ areas of expertise are Latinx Studies (in the United States, particularly Kansas City), Gender Studies, Immigration Studies, Ethnic Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology. She authored a book on Latina spirituality and resilience based on interviews of Latina leaders. She has successfully received grants through the Missouri Humanities Council (2 grants), Francis Family Foundation, UMKC Women and Gender Studies Grant, UMKC Online Teaching Grant, UMKC Teaching Grant and UMKC Faculty Research Grant.

Sociol/Anthro 322 Race and Ethnic Relations
Latinx Studies LLS 201 Introduction to Latinx and Latin American Studies
Soc/Anthro/LLS 348 Latin American Immigrants and Migrants in the US
Sociol/LLS 336 Society, Community, & Service: A Service Learning Course
Sociol/LLS Feminist Theories

Academic Credentials
Ph.D. Religious Studies, Theology, and cognate in Anthropology and Latino Studies, Catholic University
M.A. Pastoral Studies in Mexican American Culture and Theology, Boston College
B.A. Secondary Education, Benedictine College