Like most universities, UMKC calculates your tuition bill based on the number of credit hours you enroll in. It cannot calculate your bill until you are enrolled because it is not sure how many credits you will be taking. Once you are enrolled, your bill will be calculated and available to view on Pathway.
You will be able to pay your bill by going to the Cashiers Office in person, or online using Pathway.
Your UMKC bill includes tuition, the Student Life fee, the international student fee, the new student orientation fee, and your health insurance.
UMKC's billing system divides your tuition into 2 categories: resident education fees and non-resident education fees. The resident portion of your fees are listed as Base Tuition. The non-resident portion of your fees are listed as Non Res Undergrad Educ fee.
It will also include any charges you make to your UMKC bill, such as:
Your bill will show credits and payments as well.
UMKC offers a payment plan, which will let you pay your tuition through the semester, rather than all at once. you do not need to sign an agreement to pay monthly.
You are expected to pay at least 25% of your bill by the first day of classes. If you decide to make payments, you will be charged a 1% finance charge each month.
No. Owing UMKC for the current semester should not stop you from going to classes.
No. Until you pay last semester's fees, you will not be able to register for the new semester's classes.
If you cannot pay the whole amount, visit the Cashiers Office to arrange a re-payment agreement. You will pay a portion of what you owe when you sign the agreement, and then you can register for classes.
If you overpay your UMKC bill, UMKC will refund the extra money. You could overpay by:
UMKC will refund your money in one of two ways:
To learn more about refunds, visit the UMKC Cashiers Office website.
There are many ways to pay your UMKC bill: cash, check, credit card, wire transfer, TransferMate.
Visit the Cashiers Office website to learn about payment methods.
Instructions for Paying with TransferMate
If you want to pay your tuition ahead of time, contact the ALI at
Your scholarship is determined by your status, whether you are studying full- or part-time, and what program you are studying at the ALI.
To figure out how much you should pay, subtract the amount of your scholarship from your total bill. The remaining amount is how much you should pay.
Check to see if the ALI scholarship has been applied.
I don't see a scholarship:
I see my scholarship:
Maybe, your scholarship amount is based on the number of credit hours you are enrolled in and paying for. If the amount you owe changes because you drop classes, then the amount of your scholarship will change accordingly.
Before you can register for a term, you must electronically agree to, or sign a hard copy of, the Statement of Financial Responsibility (SFR).
Students can accept the agreement through Pathway, in the Registration and Records Office, or at the ALI Office.
If this is not signed, Pathway will place a hold on your account and you will not be able to register for classes.
Click here for a downloadable copy of the SFR
You are responsible for all of your fees. If you owe money for the previous semester, you will not be able to register.
You will not be sent a monthly bill through the postal mail, but instead, it will be posted on Pathway and emailed to your student email.
UMKC will communicate with you primarily using email and you understand that you are responsible for checking your email. Also, you will not be able to argue about finance charges and/or late fees, saying that you didn’t know, because it has been posted on Pathway.
If you do not make a payment monthly, you will be charged a late fee.
Every month that you owe fees, the University will charge you a 1% charge on the amount that you owe.
If you register on or after the first day of class, you will get a fee.
Not going to class does not tell UMKC that you have withdrawn from school. Not paying your fees does not tell UMKC that you have withdrawn from school. You will need to notify the Registrar and do the steps they tell you to officially withdraw. The ALI cannot withdraw you from your classes. You must do this yourself.
UMKC can decide to drop your classes because of non-payment if you have not paid at least 25% of what you owe by the first due date of the semester.
Fee Reassessment for Adding/Dropping Classes or Cancellation/Withdrawal from School UMKC will reconsider the amount of money you will owe if you make the changes properly.
If you do not make a payment UMKC will put your account on hold which will stop you from getting any transcripts or your diploma. It can also stop you from being able to enroll in the next semester, sign a housing contract, and you will not be able to make any charges at the bookstore or anywhere else that Roo Bucks are accepted.
UMKC will send your account to a collection agency if you do pay and additional charges will be assessed.
UMKC can change the fee rates up to 30 days prior the beginning of a semester. They cannot decide to change the amount you owe for the semester after this date.
You can make monthly payments on your fees instead of having to pay the total amount due at the beginning of the semester. They expect 25% of your fees by the 20th of every month. If you pay less than the minimum amount due, you will be charged a 1% finance charge monthly.
Scholarships are classified by Cashiers as ‘Anticipated’ aid. This means that they will deduct this amount from your balance and you will have to pay whatever is left. Depending on when you are awarded a scholarship, this may or may not show up on your account.
This gives the address where your sponsor would need to send its written authorization. Once the sponsorship is authorized, your account will be credited for whatever amount they agree to pay. Your sponsor will be directly billed. But, if they do not pay in a timely manner, you will end up being responsible for your fees and will be assessed finance charges.
Besides cash, UMKC will accept personal checks, echecks, and credit cards. There is a $25 return check fee. Credit card payments will include a 2.75% fee.
Even if you declare bankruptcy, education fees are not included typically and you will still own the debt.