Graduate Programs

At UMKC, faculty who hold professional degrees and are publishing scholars, teach a wide variety of history courses. The hallmark of the program is the small upper-level class sizes which promotes discussion and individual attention from faculty that provides for a greater breadth of knowledge and a deeper understanding of course material.
Master of Arts in History

Students within the graduate programs of the Department of History receive rigorous instruction in historical scholarship, research methods, and practical skills training through their work with varied source materials. The Department of History offers two options leading to the Master of Arts degree.

  • Master of Arts in History
  • Master of Arts in History with a Public History Emphasis

In both options, students will develop a personalized research agenda and will be supported by a community of award-winning scholars.

Sample History Major Map

Declare a Public History Emphasis

Any Master of Arts in history students interested in pursuing the Public History emphasis must have a Declaration of Major (DOM) on file with the department and School of Graduate Studies. Ideally, students will declare a Public History emphasis during their first enrolled semester.

Admissions At a Glance

Admission into the Master of Arts in History, or Master of Arts in History with a Public History Emphasis is based on the prospective student’s academic record, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, writing sample, and favorable judgment by the Department of History’s Graduate Committee and Master of Arts Program Coordinator.

Prospective students should review the Graduate and Professional Program Application Process through UMKC Admissions and the Graduate Admissions Requirements set forth by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) prior to completing their application. In addition, prospective students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Department of History’s Master of Arts Program Coordinator before applying.

*Consider pursuing a Graduate Certificate to round out your degree and enhance your career opportunities, such as:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Historic Preservation
  • Medieval and Early Modern Studies
  • Nonprofit Management and Innovation
  • Urban Policy and Management

All students interested in the Master of Arts in History will need to meet with a representative from the program. Application deadlines for enrollment to the Fall Semester is August 1 and for enrollment to the Spring Semester is January 1 of each year. 

Meet Our Graduate Faculty Coordinators

Massimiliano Vitiello

Professor of History and Classics and Master of Arts Program Coordinator
Phone Number: 816-235-6118 x9

Sandra Enriquez

Associate Professor of History and Director of the Public History Emphasis
Phone Number: 816-235-6118 x3

Ph.D. in Humanities: History Emphasis

The Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities: History Emphasis consists of foundational courses, advanced coursework, research seminars, and a comprehensive doctoral dissertation. Students will also purse coursework in a secondary area of emphasis (English, Digital and Public Humanities, or General Humanities). All coursework in both main emphasis and secondary emphasis areas must be approved prior to registration by the student's committee chair. 

Before you apply to the program, review the faculty directory to identify faculty members who conduct research in your area of interest and who may be willing to serve on your dissertation committee. 

Application deadline is Jan. 15 for Fall Semester enrollment. Rolling applications will be considered for the fall semester for domestic students. Application deadline for international students is April 15 for Fall Semester enrollment. 

Meet Our Doctoral Faculty Coordinator

Matthew Osborn

Associate Professor of History
Phone Number: 816-235-6118 x8