The Department of History, with its award-winning faculty, provides unique research and learning opportunities that prepare students for the jobs of the future.

History is the response to the eternal desires of mankind to know more about itself. For this reason, students experience a variety of courses designed to emphasize the importance of people, places, societies, cultures, ideas, values, and events of the past that have or are still impacting and shaping the future.

In addition to the traditional Bachelor of Arts degree, the department offers an accelerated Bachelor of Arts to Master of Arts in History. Students within the department’s graduate programs receive a rigorous instruction in historical scholarship, research methods, and practical skills training. Students can earn a traditional Master of Arts in History or pursue a Master of Arts in History with a Public History Emphasis. Lastly, the Department of History also offers the Ph.D. in Humanities with an emphasis in History.

Students earning a degree within the department can engage in guided research with faculty beginning in their first year and complete the program with a capstone senior project, thesis, or dissertation (depending on your degree program) that reflects their education as well as their future career aspirations.

History majors have access to the Kemper Digital Humanities Laboratory, established by a generous contribution from the William T. Kemper Foundation (located in Cockefair Hall), and the Digital Collaboration Studio (located on the 3rd floor of the Miller Nichols Library) which, allows students to explore the intersections of historical research and new media by producing innovative public history, digital history, and digital humanities projects for coursework, independent projects, and/or in collaboration with community partners.


Students within the Department of History will gain incredible real-world learning experience including many opportunities outside the classroom.

  • The department’s ratio of students to faculty fosters opportunities for the exchange of ideas and individualized attention, enhancing student performance and proficiencies while contributing to student engagement. Allowing students to work closely with faculty who are active scholars with experience in Antiquity and Medieval history, Early Modern and Modern European history, Public History, United States history, Latin American history, and Women’s history.
  • Students will learn to understand and formulate historical arguments and interpretations as well as master the methods of historical research, analysis, and communication.
  • Students will be able to explore their individual interests, educational, as well as their career goals through support from faculty through independent research and reading courses and projects.

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Careers Paths for History Majors