In 2001, the members of MAMA created the Jim Falls Paper Prize, to be awarded to the best paper delivered at the annual conference by a Graduate student.

2024 Abby Armstrong Check, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“The St. Joan of Arc Chapel: A Sliver of Medieval France in the Midwest”

2023 MAMA XLVII postponed

2022 Cara Nordengren, University of Kansas
“Interpretive Multivalency in Tilman Riemenschneider’s Münnerstadt Magdalene”

Honorable Mention: Rebecca Adams, Stanford University
“Loyal Wives, Gracious Husbands, and ‘perfyte joye’: Conducting Marital Success in London, British Library Harley MS 1239”

2021 covid hiatus

2020 covid hiatus 

2019 Alexander Burdge, University of Kansas
“Allegory and Incarnation in Chaucer’s ‘Man of Law’s Tale’”

2018 Dyese Elliott-Newton, Central European University
“Invading Shadowed Livery: The Marginalization of the Negro Maid in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice”

2017 Jamie Gunderson, University of Texas, Austin
“Revisiting the Holy Greyhound”

2016 Colby Turberville, University of Missouri, Columbia
“The Seeds of Revolt: The Reign of Lothar I, 828–833”

2015 Autumn Dolan, University of Missouri, Columbia
“‘Rise and Take them from the Altar’: Women’s Devotional Exchanges at the Translation of Roman Relics in Carolingian Francia”

2014 Don Allmon, University of Kansas
“The Only Good Werewolf: Humans, Dogs, and Monsters in ‘Bisclavret’ and ‘Sir Gowther’”

2013 Nina Verbanaz, University of Central Missouri
“Envisaging Eternity: Salian Women’s Religious Patronage”

2012 Bianca Lopez, Washington University in St. Louis
“As if Drinking Christian Blood: Sermons and Jewish Neighbors in Late Medieval Perugia”

2011 Anna Linden Weller, Rutgers University
“Transmittable Apocalypses: Byzantine Political Authority and the Co-Option of Western Eschatological Narrative in the First Crusade”

2010 Daniel J. Menold, University of Missouri, Columbia
“Sacred History: Hagiographical Constructs and the ‘Historical’ Gilbert of Sempringham”

Honorable Mention: Michael Wehrman, Yale University
“Rome and Miracles in the Writings of the Venerable Bede”

2009 James Bennett, Ohio State University
“The Once and Future Burghers: Social Memory and Civic Identity in Late Medieval St Albans”

2008 Jennifer Culver, St. Louis University
“The Structure of Personal Experience: Rollean Mysticism in Piers Plowman”

2007 Julian Hendrix, King’s College, Cambridge
“The Origins of Monastic Intercession: Thought and Practice, Though Versus Practice”

2006 Martha Johnson-Olin, University of Missouri, Kansas City
“‘And lat hym care, and wepe, and wrynge, and waille’: Chaucer’s Clerk as Advocate of Masculine Virtue”

2005 Cindy Rogers, Oklahoma State University
“Arming Arthur: The Middle English Inheritance of Arming Scenes from Classical Epics”

2004 Lesley Allen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Mapping Conversion in Pearl”

2003 Jason Hardgrave, University of Kansas
“Pimps, Prostitutes, and Pedophiles: Female Perpetrators of Sex Crimes in Fourteenth-Century Venice”

2002 Carola Dwyer, San Diego State University
“‘Noch liehter danne got getan’: Coveting Armor in Wolfram’s Parzival”

2001 Marie A. Kelleher, University of Kansas
“‘Sicut vir uxor’: Clerics’ Concubines in the Diocese of Barcelona”