Dr. Nacer Khelouz is Associate Professor of French and has taught at UMKC since 2007. He specializes in Maghrebian, Sub-Saharan and Caribbean literatures and cinema. His fields of research and teaching range from French literature from the 18th to 21st centuries, colonial and post-colonial studies, literature and film, and contemporary French culture to societal issues, such as multiculturalism, the notion of national identity, and French laïcité. Dr. Khelouz most recently presented a paper on “les identitaires” at a conference titled “Far Right Movements in France.”
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh ; Maîtrise and Licence, Université de Paris VIII – Saint-Denis
The far-right and the Muslim plot for the conquest of France. The Eric Zemmour case (Fall 2022)
The Kabyle Song of Exile (2022)
The Algerian School: with which language(s) and which goals? (Fall 2021)
Identity building for oneself and for others (Spring 2020)
A theoretical book on the Algerian novel: Le roman algérien des années 1920. Entre fiction et réalité politique. (L’Harmattan, 2011)
A novel: D’une rive à l’autre.
A collection of poetry: Effets Secondaires.
A published article: “Pedagogy across Cultures”.