Byunggu Kang (He/Him)

Byunggu Kang
Assistant Professor
Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact Info
Cherry Hall 443
Population Dynamics and Crime; Cross-National Criminology; Occupational Health; Quantitative Methods


Byunggu Kang is an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. His research is interdisciplinary and quantitative, focusing on how population dynamics influence crime trends and examining the interplay between public health and the criminal justice system. His work has been published in Criminology, Journal of Urban Health, and other criminology and public health academic journals.


2023 Ph.D., School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany, SUNY
2017 M.A., College of Police and Criminal Justice, Dongguk University
2016 B.A., magna cum laude, College of Police and Criminal Justice, Dongguk University

Research Interests:

population dynamics and crime; cross-national criminology; occupational health; quantitative methods