Academic Honesty

From the Collected Rules and Regulations of the UM System, 200.010 Standard of Conduct:

(a) The term cheating includes but is not limited to: (i) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; (ii) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; (iii) acquisition or possession without permission of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; or (iv) knowingly providing any unauthorized assistance to another student on quizzes, tests, or examinations.

(b) The term plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: (i) use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference; (ii) unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials; or (iii) unacknowledged use of original work/material that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators.

How Do I Avoid Plagiarism?

  • Credit your sources! Any time you use information from the internet or another source, be sure to cite your reference in you work. Purdue Owl is a great resource for students to learn how to cite sources.
  • Learning a new language can be difficult. If you are unsure about a translation, ask your teacher for help. Do not copy a translation from the internet or your classmates.
  • Understand plagiarism and review your work. It is wonderful to use outside sources, but give credit when you do.