This is a special place full of special people, like you! Find resources to help guide you through your academic and student journey at UMKC, so you can enrich your experience to be all you want it to be.
We want to provide you what you need to make your time at UMKC exceptional. Whether that be giving you some guidance as you begin, offer understanding and support when you encounter an obstacle, or shining light on some ways to enhance your experience in and out of the classroom, this area of the site is for you.

Central Services

Who We Are

Toya Like

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs

Alicen Lundberg

Senior Coordinator for Academic and Student Programs

Student Bridges Generational Divide With Music

Piano student broadens horizons and creates lasting friendships while living in senior facility

UMKC Law Trial Teams Compete in National Trial Competition

Team named a Top 4 team in the nation, student named best overall advocate